Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thing #16

     I chose to use IGooge for my start page simply because it is very easy and user-friendly. I love how I can put fun apps on my IGoogle, such as cartoons and optical illusions. I will probably end up putting it as my start page so I can have everything in one place and have Google already open if I need it. I really enjoyed this, however, I don't think it's something that will be life changing.
     I chose to use the calendar created by Google. I loved it because there was so much that could be done with the calendar. I was able to color code my different things such as classes, workshops, fun stuff, and other. I thought it was really nice that you could view various calendar options such as the 4 day, week, day, month, and agenda. It also allows you to edit your event and invite others to join the event and have the option to add to it. You can also use keyboard shortcuts, which I love, to view the different modes including 4 for 4 day and m for month. If you needed a calender for different thing, lets say one for work and one for school, the Google calendar gives you that option. It's also very user friendly, especially since most people enjoy using Google.
     One thing I'm always doing is creating to-do lists, however I always seem to loose them because they are just on notebook paper. I love the idea of having a to-do list online. I really liked the Remember the Milk to-do lists, mainly because of the cute cow.....well other things were great about it too. I really liked how it had a different list for personal stuff, study, and work. You could also customize each thing on the list with when it's due, where, and so on. It also gives you a little pat on the back when you finish all the things on a list. The only problem with this is that I would have to access it on either a computer or smart phone, and I don't have a smart phone and I don't want to carry my laptop with me everywhere. This could be a very helpful tool, however sometime you cannot beat the good old fashion paper lists.
    One tool that I have had a little bit of experience with is engrade. The last year I was at my home school enrichment they were just starting to use this web 2.0 tool. Most of my teachers never used it for that first year however, so I did not find out too much about it until now. The number one thing about it is that it is free. Teachers can track attendance, grades, homework, send messages, and so much more. It gives the students a way to keep up with their grades. Parents can also keep a check on their kids.

Thing #15

Before this assignment I have always thought of a wiki as a place to stay away from. My professors have always warned against getting reliable information from a wiki because anyone can put anything. However, after this project I now know that wikis can be used in so many more ways than to give poor information for that next big research project you are doing. I think it's really cool how than can be used to collaberate with others on a big project or something of the sort. It would be a ton easier than email, since even just a couple of days ago my family and I had a hard time communicating about what to do for Thanksgiving over email.

Thing #14

I really liked using Gliffy to make a flow chart. It was really easy to use and edit if you made a mistake while making your flowchart. I made a simple chart of how to create a black and white print from film, I left off some steps but what I did create only took a few minutes. The site did tell me I only had 30 days to try it out before I would have to set up an account and pay, the cheapest one was around $5 a month. As of now it would not be worth the money, however if I start needing it as a teaching tool it would probably be worth it because of its ease of use.

I also tried out mindmeister for making mindmaps. It was fairly easy to use also, although it wanted to charge me if I made over 3 mindmaps. I started one over a paper that I have due soon in my SPED 3000 class. The map reminds me of a spider in appearance. I also reminds me of in my English classes when I would have to use a bubble chart to come up with ideas for various papers.
      The biggest difference I noticed between flow charts and mindmaps was what they would be used for. A flowchart would more likely be used if a teacher needed students to follow directions. However, a mindmap would more likely be used if the teacher was trying to give his/her students ideas for certain projects.

Thing #13

     I explored both sites but Google, yet again, has triumphed over the other tool in my mind yet again. It was so much easier for me to find out how to put information in it than the Zoho writer. I honestly kept getting frustrated while using Zoho. In Google docs I made a document for parents to go to if they wanting to sign up for a Thanksgiving Day party at the school. It was so easy to make and actually pretty fun. I can really see how students would be able to collaborate on projects using Google Docs. They could even do an entire power point together online without ever having to meet up in person. This would be great if students were unable to meet up during the week for a group project.
     Both programs offer many options for groups and individuals. Both can be completely free. I preferred Google Docs.  I mainly like how easy it is to navigate Google Docs vs. Zoho.  However, I believe if I really wanted to figure it out I would also really like Zoho.